Monday, 6 February 2012

London Baby!!!

Just got back from our weekend in london :) didn't get snowed in up there which was good! Got to London about 11:30 saturday and went straight to the national history museum, which was pretty good, lots of dinosaurs etc... definately worth seeing.

We got to the hotel about 15:30 and had a pit stop for a couple of hours before hitting Oxford Street for some shopping as we were a bit knackered, the hotel was right next to charing cross station and it was really nice, would definately stay there again! Couldn't have been in a better location on The Strand.

The snow came down in the evening at around 18:00, came down hard, started to lay on the back streets in about an hour. Went to a nice Thai restaurant just off of Oxford street called Patara, was very nice but qute pricey and they served my favorite beer called Chang :) was drinking that all the time in Thailand! Also saw a bottle of wine in some department store for £4,500! I'll have 2!!!

Obviously no training this weekend, ate loads of rubbish and not enough! Didn't go to the gym this morning either as was tired from the weekend and also Ben Neal was stuck in Hastings because of the snow, bad times! :( Will definately be going down tomorrow at 06:30 for some chest and tricep i think. Then back to uni Tuesday, but quite a late one 3-6! Then work, but work will be a quiet week so not to taxing, must go shopping now, need some eggs etc.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Sound right??

You should eat around 20 calories per lbs of body weight:
Example: 180lb (81kg) individual should eat: 180x20 = 3600kcal!
Sounds a lot right???


Protein is essential when you are trying to gain muscle or lose fat. Keeping your protein intake high prevents your body from breaking down muscle tissue for fuel and will force your body to eat into your fat reserves.
Eat around 1.5g of protein per 1lb of body weight
180lb (81kg) individual should eat: 270g of protein per day.
Protein is so important it is essential you get your daily requirements. To make it easier consume a high quality protein shake.

Carbohydrates are helpful when you are trying to pack on muscle mass. They are required to fuel your intense workouts and keep muscle glycogen levels full. You should aim to eat around 1.5g-2g of carbs per 1lb of body weight.
Before workout you consume around 20-40g of protein and 20-30g of slow release carbohydrates such as an apple, banana or wholemeal bread.
Your post workout meal is one of the most important times when carbohydrates assist with muscle growth. You should consume 20-30g of protein and 40-60g of fast carbohydrates such as white bread, a sports drink or dextrose/maltodextrin. Consuming simple sugars post workout with a protein shake helps drive protein into your cells  quicker in comparrison to taking a protein shake with no additional carbohydrates. This is perhaps the most important meal of the day!

Eating fat will not necessarily make you fat! Cutting all fats from your diet is a common misconception. You need to eat healthy fats such as those found in nuts, fish and olive oil. Saturated fats such as those found in processed meat, crisps and fried foods should not be avoided completely but should be reduced.
You should aim to eat around 0.5g of healthy fats per 1lb of body weight.

So me weighing in at about 90-95 kg should be eating around 4000 kcal per day! That would sure damage my bank funds! There must be a lower kcal intake take would work???

I'm back!!

Haven't blogged for a while as i've been revising a lot as had 2 weeks of exams! But have been managing to train for 4 or 5 days a week which is good. Diet is still a bit dodgy, I REALLY need to give up chocolate! I eat loads of it!
I found a picture the other day :

I thought it was quite amusing.
I really need advice on my nutrition and diet, eggs are a big part of it, omelettes and fried eggs are in there. Also Turkey, i've been eating lots of this lately in curries or pasta bakes.
Need to do more cardio, we managed to get in 15 minutes on the bike at the end the other day after shoulders and biceps but need to do a lot more than just 15 minutes a week!

Peace out!!!!