Sunday, 8 January 2012

Butts Brow Walk

Today I thought a nice easy bit of exercise would be to park the car at the top of Butts Brow and walk down to Jevington then back up. The walk took about 1.5 hours at a moderate pace, not sure on the distance but i'd say about 3 miles. The hill on the way back from Jevington was a killer, it was sooooo steep. Pritchard ran up it though because she thought the cow in the field was going to run at us! This is the last day of me eating rubbish, had chips and a saveloy for lunch and having a roast dinner tonight, also me and Pritchard polished off 6 Cadbury's Cream eggs!

Definately a good route to take, lots of hills! Next time might stop for lunch at the Hungry Monk, supposed to be really nice in there, looked at the menu today and looks very expensive but gotta give it a go! Also check out the Barbour Jacket and Hunter boots! Wheres my tractor?!

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