Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Looooong Weekend!

Haven't blogged for a few days now as i've been working like a mad man this weekend. Done two 15.5 hour shifts in a row, followed by a morning shift. The afternoon I had to sit down, my legs were killing me! So no training this weekend, and yesterday I had to do lots of revision for an excel test I have today. Today after the exam, I will have to do more revision for another exam I have on plants for wednesday, but the rest of the day on wednesday will be free, so i plan on going to the gym after that.
Diet has kind of taken a pause at the moment as I havent had time to cook really, so have been eating quick and easy food. I stayed at work on Friday night as it wasnt really worth going home. Should be back to normal very soon as i'm kind of getting back into a routine.

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