Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Westie or Chow Chow??

I really want a dog but cant decide on a Westie or a Chow Chow!

The Westie is smaller and more practical but the Chow Chow looks brilliant haha, and the Chow Chow would probably moult everywhere! Chow Chows are good with other animals which would be good for Zazzles, and I read that sometimes Westies get 'small dog syndrome' so will sometimes have an attitude lol.

Westies need daily walks and are very active, while Chow Chow's are decribed as 'lazy' and who have to make them go for a walk.
I think i'd look better walking down the road with a Chow Chow rather than a Westie, but I could buy the westie a jacket which is always a bonus! Definately a tartan one, or a hoodie of some sort!

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